About The Artist

Welcome to Studio 116 
I picked up a paint brush around 20 years ago and decided to see what I could do with it...fast forward to today and painting has now become a passion that I will be exploring for the rest of my life. 
Of course, there had been many artistic endeavors leading up to my journey in painting--including:
  • Spending a Sunday afternoon drawing on the walls of my home with crayons when i was about 3 years old (this did not go over well once discovered--as you can imagine)
  • Having two of my art projects selected for art shows when I was in 4th grade
  • Being fortunate enough to have an amazing art teacher in Jr High School that opened new doors in art that I'd never experienced before


Creating art is something very powerful to me. I can be left alone --with my favorite music playing :) --and completely lose all track of time when I am painting. It is my therapy, my escape, and a diversion that brings me true joy.

I work with both acrylics and watercolors (finding it impossible to choose between the two). Watercolors are very expressive, while acrylics make a much bolder statement. There will always be a place for both in my studio.

My family and friends have also been such a huge source of support over the years--artists that have inspired me, family members that encouraged me, and friends that have given me the confidence to move forward making this a reality. I am forever thankful for all of them.

I hope you find something here that brings a smile to your face, sparks a meaningful connection, or lights a fire in your heart.